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The Art of Parenting

Oct 27, 2022

Are you craving a better understanding of your child’s uniqueness? Listen in to find your answers.

Speaking with Debbie about neurodivergent children is always a delight. She is a wealth of information thanks to her own experience and must listen to anyone living or working with young children. 

What We Talked...

Oct 20, 2022

Are you worried you'll pass on your anxiety to your child? Listen in to find out how you can be a good model.

Letting our children fail and at the same time always being there to catch them at the bottom of the slide. A balance of modeling, working through tough times, and encouraging courageous actions. Dr. Mary Wrilde...

Oct 13, 2022

What you music do you share with your child? Listen in as the CEO of Music Together shares the benefits of sharing music early on.

Music has always been an important part of my life as a child parent and educator. Today’s conversation centers on how we can best introduce music to our children as well as all the...

Oct 6, 2022

Do you ever wonder why you can get so triggered by your child's behavior? Listen in and find out why some of your own childhood wounds might be getting in the way of your parenting.

We Talked About:

  • Being aware of how your own traumas can impact your parenting
  • The importance of healing trauma to live an authentic life